~Fields Of Glory Fields of Glory Tips ==================== By Neil Hopkins Fields of Glory can be a daunting game, paticularly for the strategy game novice. Hopefully these tips will go some way to simplify life for all of the budding Napoleans, Wellingtons and Bluchers out there! The first thing to bear in mind is the way the command structure works. If you order a commander to deploy at a particular location, he will pass on the same order to any other officers and units in his charge. Don't forget that any detached units (those that you have given direct orders to) will need to be re-attached or ordered to rejoin command before they can be ordered at a higher level. So open the database for your chosen army and look at your top level commanders. Check their personality and leadership abilities and then look at units in their command. Bear the structure in mind as you return to the battle screen. Look at the enemy's deployment, and compare it to the strategic targets that you wish to capture. Is he vulnerable to an attack on either flank, or in the centre? Choose a target, preferably an infantry brigade and prepare your attack. I will use the battle of Nivelles from the French perspective as a suitable example. Considering the strategic objectives, your battle plan should be to launch a flanking attack on the British right, destroying the infantry and capturing the town of Nivelles. To launch a successful combined arms assault you will need at least one cavalry brigade, so you will to deploy the 1C/6C/IV cavalry next to the 1/12/IV infantry on the hill to the south-west of the map. While you are waiting for them to arrive bring the 1/5/13 artillary across as well. As a rule of thumb, always hit an infantry brigade with several volleys of cannonfire (at least until you see a few corpses on the ground) before attacking with double the number of men. Keep a cavalry unit nearby as a threat - if they form square, then keep pounding them with the cannon. If they are routed then run them down! So, when you are ready to attack order your cavalry to overrun Lloyds Artillary on the hill, and then put them behind the 1st Hanover brigade. Bring your cannon forward, and target the enemy, and then deploy your infantry in column either side of the cannon, and order them to hold until they are formed. Check their status by clicking on them, or just by watching - if they are milling about they will be less effective in an assault. Patience is the key. ` CCCC Cavalry in reserve ` IIIIIIII Enemy brigade in line ` IIIIIIII ` IIII IIII Columns of Infantry ` IIII A A IIII protecting artillary. ` IIII IIII Notice that the enemy will always try to turn their line to face the greatest perceived threat. If you juggle the position of your cavalry , you will be able to keep them off balance while your cannon go to work. Keep up the artillary barrage, until the enemy reacts. If he advances, withdraw the artillary and assault with the infantry. Once they are engaged, you can use the cavalry for a flanking assault, although this is generally unneccesary. Once the enemy breaks, persue them with the cavalry until they are out of range, but don't let your cavalry stray too far. Call them back if needs be. Now you can deploy on the hill, and prepare in a similar way for an assault on the British 5th brigade. This time, you may not have as much time to prepare, so be prepared for some quick thinking and possible losses. If you ever see an enemy commander on the battlefield, simply order your nearest infantry brigade to deploy on top of him. He will almost certainly be killed. Don't let the same fate befall your commanders, though! The major threat that the British present is a potentially devastating cavalry counter attack, once they realise that you are chewing up their flank. Keep an eye on enemy cavalry deployments, and be prepared to interpose your cavalry to give your infantry time to form square. As regards infantry formations, column is the best formation for general manouvre and deployment, but it is worth forming into line prior to an assault if you have time to do so. The French mixed formation combines the two. Skirmish is useful for manouvre through rough terrain, but not if you expect to be attacked. As for the rest of the battle, keep up the initiative by moving your other troops forward, picking off one enemy unit at a time. Watch for an opportune moment to send an infantry brigade to capture Nivelles. If you want to capture Genappe, keep an eye on the report screen until the British have lost about 60% of their forces and send a cavalry brigade if you have one free. At some point, you will be faced with a situation where most of your units are engaged on a broad front. Hopefully, you will have the advantage as several enemy brigades should have been routed at minimal cost. All you can do is trust your commanders, and watch for situations where you can zoom in and overwhelm an isolated enemy unit. If you have been bold and decisive, then you should have earned a strategic victory. Now try the battle from the other side and see if you can avoid the errors that your electronic adversary made !